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Learning Experiences
(Virtual or In-person)

Customised sessions available

My sessions are not a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to learning, but instead, a fully-tailored solution to meet the unique requirements and desired outcomes for a client.


Through a process of relevant questions designed to understand the real needs of an organisation and it's people, the insights gained form the basis for my training design and delivery.


Material can be adapted for optimum effectiveness for both virtual and class-based delivery options, and to meet Health & Safety obligations.

“Our virtual group session with Andrea was fantastic! It helped my team and I to identify our core values and become more understanding of one another. We have all personally worked on our own routines and identified our priorities - this has helped us to become closer and more successful as a team.”

Kirsty, Senior Property Manager (Australia)

Life in Balance 

This is my signature session. In it, the Wheel of LIfe is introduced, a concept designed to help examine an individual's life sectors, discover core values, and to help identify where one or more sectors may be needing attention and change in order to create a greater sense of balance and fullness in life. Using a set of practical tools, a simple plan can be mapped to achieve a greater sense of personal balance, through implementing simple strategies for healthier, happier, more satisfying living.


Workplace Wellness: The Business Case


An excellent foundation workshop aimed at senior executives and other levels of management within an organsiation. It provides a starting point for workplace wellness and not only its importance in encouraging employee wellbeing in terms of health and welfare, but also the business case for wellness in terms of an organisations bottom line. Healthier, happier employees have a direct impact on an orgonsiation's performance and business outcomes. We''ll explore definitions, global statistics, and a road map for creating a culture that supports wellness.

Wellness awareness starts at the top if organisations are to achieve holistic change.



Understanding Human Behaviour Through Neuroscience

All individuals have personal situations that when triggered can cause certain behavioural responses. This workshop is designed to help participants understand the stress response system and social neuroscience, in order to gain valuable insights into their stress triggers, and identify associated behaviours in themselves and others. This course will enable participants to identify their stress triggers, and provide techniques to assist with managing stressful situations for better outcomes.


Understanding Stress to Better Manage It

Stress affects us all, but the degree to which we allow it to affect us can be better managed through greater awareness. This session is designed to help learners gain a fundamental understanding of the Stress Response System and to identify specific personal stress triggers to be more aware of the common causes of stress. Valuable and tested tools and techniques designed specifically to manage stress are examined and discussed. Through developing awareness, learners can have a significant impact on positively managing stress.

This course can also assist organisations in meeting Health & Safety obligations.

MindFit Series


Modern living can be hectic at times - mentally, emotionally, and physically we can feel drained. Just as it is important to exercise our body, it's also important to keep our brain fit too. This learning series is designed to help participants understand how mental fatigue can occur and to identify the signs and symptoms, and what can be done. The activities and tools introduced in this program will provided participants with tangible ways to re-energise themselves mentally, and to create healthy daily habits to help prevent mental fatigue, and instead, keep the brain fit and healthy.

Improving Performance - Hybrid & Remote Working


Working in a hybrid or remote work arrangement can have both advantages and drawbacks. Successful hybrid and remote working requires an understanding of what drives us and why. This course is designed to help participants understand the simple social neuroscience that defines what motivation is, and upon identifying what our personal drivers are. Participants will learn effective techniques for starting their day, how to prioritize their tasks, and how to maintain focus to achieve them via the principles and tools provided in this session. 



Professional Development For Better Workplace Wellness - Program Series

Customised wellness-themed sessions and workshops for the corporate environment, designed to have an impact on corporate culture, and to bring about more positive, sustained change in leadership and communication, and meet Healthy & Safety obligations within an organisation. Themes include wellbeing awareness, developing  a wellbeing culture, building trust, developing better feedback mechanisms, understanding behaviour and communication differences, building emotional capital, and others.

Studies show a link between happy, empowered, engaged employees, and productivity and retention levels. Better workplace wellbeing makes good business sense.

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